O Sensei(founder)'s rules for training Aikido


O Sensei(founder)'s rules for training Aikido

  1. 合気道は一撃よく死命を制するもの故練習に際しては指導者の教示を守り徒に力を競うべからず
  2. 合気道は一を以て万に当るの術なる故常に前方にのみならず四方八方に対する心掛けを以て錬磨するを要す
  3. 練習は常に愉快に実施するを要すも不真面目にすべからず
  4. 指導者の教導は僅にその一端を教ふるに過ぎず之が活用の妙は自己の不断の練習により始めて体得し得るものとす徒に多くの業を望まず一つ一つ自己のものとなすを要す
  5. 日々の練習に際しては体の変更より始め逐次強度を高め身体に無理を生ぜしめざるを要す然る時は如何なる老人と雖も身体に故障を生ずる事なく愉快に練習を続け鍛錬の目的を達する事を得べし
  6. 合気道は心身を鍛練し至誠の人を作るを目的とし業は悉く秘伝なるを以て徒に他人に公開すべからず無頼の徒の悪用をさくべし
1.Aikido decides life and death in a single strike, so students must carefully follow the instructor's teaching and not compete to see who is the strongest.
2.Aikido is the way that teaches how one can deal with several enemies. Students musy train themselves to be alert not just to the front , but to all sides and the back.
3.Training should always be conducted in a pleasant and joyful atmosphere.
4.The instructor teaches only one small aspect of the art. Its versatile applications must be discovered by each student through incessant practice and training.
5.In daily practice first begin by moving your body and then progress to more intensive practice. Never force anything unnaturally or unreasonably. If this rule is followed, then even elderly people will not hurt themselves and they can train in a pleasant and joyfull atmosphere.
6.The purpose of Aikido is to train mind and body and to produce sincere, earnest people. Since all the techniques are to be transmitted person-to-person, do not randomly reveal them to others, for this might lead to their being used by hoodlums.


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